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How to Cook Artichokes –Boiled, Steamed or Microwaved

How to Cook Artichokes –Boiled, Steamed or Microwaved

Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Prep Time:
    10 Minutes
  • Cook Time:
    40 Minutes
  • Yield:
    2-4 Servings
Artichokes may appear intimidating, but they’re simple to prepare and enjoy. They are the heart of spring; healthy, beautiful and delicious!
  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 lemon, juiced

Artichokes may appear intimidating, but they’re simple to prepare and enjoy. They are the heart of spring; healthy, beautiful and delicious!


Wash artichokes in cold water. Cut off the top inch of each artichoke using a serrated knife. Using scissors, trim thorny tips from leaves. Trim end of stem.


Boiling Method: Sit artichokes upright in bottom of a soup pot. Add lemon juice. Cover with salted water. Bring to a boil, then reduce and simmer 30-40 minutes, or until tender. Carefully remove artichokes from water. Drain upside down for a few minutes.


Steaming Method: Place artichokes upright in steamer basket in soup pot, add one inch of water and steam approximately 30 minutes with the lid on. Carefully remove artichokes from pot and serve warm.


Microwave Method: Wrap artichokes individually in damp paper towels and microwave on high 8-15 minutes, or until tender.


Serve with additional lemon juice, melted butter or your favorite dip or aioli.


When you’ve pulled off enough leaves to reach the hair choke in the center, scoop it out with a spoon and discard, and then enjoy the delectable artichoke heart.

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