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Choose-Your-Own Summer Menu Adventure

Summer is a season of fun choices—and to make your Summer 2023 story even more personally fulfilling, we’ve created four menus specifically for your favorite warm-weather activities. So choose your own adventure and see where it takes you.

A picnic in the park

You’re relaxing on your blanket as kids run around the grass and play in the trees. A warm breeze rustles the leaves of the tree providing your patch of shade. You open up your antique wicker picnic basket to find the Lemon Herb Shrimp Rolls you packed for lunch, glad for something fresh and flavorful to bite into. Next, you open a container of sweet, juicy melon balls you scooped out of a Turlock Farms Orange Honeydew this morning. You have a bite—perfectly ripe. You lay back and read a chapter of your favorite novel, then smile, remembering your final treat—the Strawberry Shortcake in a Jar you put together last night—it’ll be the perfect complement to a sweet moment like this.

A day at the beach

You’re surrounded by your friends and family, and everyone seems a little tipsy from all the sunshine. You all could hardly wait to get down to the water today, so instead of prolonging the time indoors, you decided to grab some South Forty Energy Bars for a mid-morning snack you can enjoy while gazing out over the water. You spot a bald eagle soaring through the air, and as the morning sun becomes an afternoon blaze, you open a container of refreshing cubed watermelon and some toothpicks. The kids stab the fruit and munch away happily distracted from being slathered with another layer of sunscreen. After a dip in the ocean and a lay-out to dry, your stomach gives a rumble. You reach into the cooler for the Avocado Chicken Salad you packed. Fresh and energizing, it tastes just as summery as this day feels.

A backyard potluck

The weekend get-together is nothing fancy, and you’re not going far. But your community enjoys the sunny weather together—grownups cracking jokes, kids pelting each other with water balloons—it’s a summer memory that will warm your heart when you reflect on it later in the year. The grill is fired up and ready for the freshly made sausages and vegetable kabobs you’ve brought for everyone to enjoy. You glance down at the drinks cooler and a Ninkasi cocktail catches your eye. The air is sweet with the smell of fresh grass and grill fire. You pop open the can and take a cool sip. All is well.

A sweet summer romance

You met just as summer began, and you’ve been enjoying stolen moments together wherever you can get them. Tonight, you sit together at an old picnic table, looking out over the water as the sun gets ready to set. It was a particularly hot day, so you both cool off with a bowl of locally made ice cream, leaning close to each other as you watch the colors changing in the sky. Your next plate is light and refreshing, too—Handmade sushi from Maka. Your partner fumbles with their chopsticks, and you quickly and jokingly pop the first roll into their mouth. “Mmm,” comes the response, as night falls and twinkle lights pop on behind you. You share a deep, dark Theo bar, as you marvel together over the moon, the stars, and your mutual for of chocolate.

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