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Using a hand or stand mixer, add sugar to heavy cream in a mixing bowl and beat until stiff peaks form.
Layer about a 1/2-inch of whipped cream onto one of the slices of bread, and add sliced strawberries on top. What really makes this sandwich magical is seeing the cut strawberries on the edge of each piece. When placing your strawberries, visualize the X pattern you will be cutting the slices in when done. Line them along that X first, then fill in the rest of space with more strawberries.
Cover with another layer of whip cream, filling in any gaps, and top with another slice of bread.
Wrap the sandwich snugly in plastic wrap and allow to set for 20 minutes or overnight.
Remove the plastic wrap and slice into 4 pieces along your X pattern, and enjoy! Recipe will make enough whip cream for another 2-3 sandwiches, depending on how much fruit and whip cream you prefer.
For best results, recipe requires 20 minutes to overnight to allow sandwich to set.