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Guiltless Gourmet Tortilla Chips 7 oz

Baked, not fried. Sinfully delicious. Low fat. All natural. Baked with pride. Made with certified organic corn. The original baked, not fried tortilla chip. State of the Heart: This product is consistent with the American Heart Association's Dietary Guidelines for healthy American adults when used as part of an overall healthy diet. Certified organic by Quality Assurance International. Buenos nachos! These fabulous chips are perfect any time, day or night. And although they taste great at noon, these full flavored chips have been known to make people howl at the moon. Are Guiltless Gourmet Chips really guiltless? Sure are! Guiltless Gourmet Tortilla Chips are made without artificial ingredients, preservatives and fat substitutes. Our chips are cholesterol-free and chock-full of complex carbohydrates your body needs, with only 2 grams of fat per serving. Who said snacking had to be a guilty pleasure to taste this sinful? How can these chips be both Guiltless and Gourmet: While these two notions may seem contrary, as any good cook knows, good food tastes good. Since we use only the finest ingredients, we make only great tasting top quality products. Delicious, stone ground organic corn, expeller pressed oils and superlative seasonings are hallmarks of Guiltless Gourmet Tortilla Chips. And since you are what you eat, wouldn't you rather be guiltless?

Guiltless Gourmet Tortilla Chips 7 oz