Silk Plain Oat Yeah

Free from: Dairy, gluten free. Certified vegan. Excellent source of calcium. 50% more calcium than dairy milk (Silk Oat has 460mg calcium per cup, reduced fat dairy milk has 293mg calcium per cup. USDA ARS. FoodData Central, 2020). Free from: Carrageenan, cholesterol. artificial colors & flavors. Non GMO Project verified. We believe. In making delicious plant-based food. That does right by you and fules our passion for the planet. To make your journey smooth. Silk grow on. Creamy planet-conscious deliciousness you ca dunk a cookie into. We restore water to rivers drop for drop putting back. What is used to grow our oats. Love it or your money back! Visit or call 888-820-9283 for a full refund. Limit two refunds per household per year. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Certified B Corporation. Proud to be a force for world changing good. Discover more at Danone: Proud member of the Danone family. For more on sustainability visit FSC: Mix. Join the oat-venture with a glass of creamy, wholesome Silk Oat Yeah Plain Oatmilk. Offering a crave-able take on the humble oat, this plain oatmilk offers a perfect non-dairy alternative to milk. It has a creamy taste and texture that’s delicious whether poured over cereal, mixed with a smoothie, or enjoyed on its own. Silk Oatmilk is totally free of dairy, lactose, casein, nuts, soy, and carrageenan. And it’s nutritious, too, too: each serving provides vitamin B12 and riboflavin, and calcium for strong bones. Here at Silk, we believe in making delicious plant-based food that does right by you and fuels our passion for the planet. Every delicious product we offer is made with plants, meaning they’re naturally dairy-free, lactose-free, and casein-free. And our entire lineup is enrolled in the Non-GMO Project Verification Program. Choose from an array non-dairy products--from silky-smooth nutmilk to creamy, dreamy yogurt alternatives--and taste the goodness for yourself!; Here at Silk, we believe in making delicious plant-based food that does right by you and fuels our passion for the planet. Every delicious product we offer is made with plants, meaning they’re naturally dairy-free, lactose-free, and casein-free. And our entire lineup is enrolled in the Non-GMO Project Verification Program. Choose from an array non-dairy products--from silky-smooth nutmilk to creamy, dreamy yogurt alternatives--and taste the goodness for yourself!

Silk Plain Oat Yeah