Lan Rioja Reserva

Bottled wines don't last forever. They evolve and mature, yet also grow old and die. Keep this Reserva wine in the best conditions possible but don't cellar it forever. Winery: 0-4 years. Plenitude: 4-12 years. Decline: 12-20 years. Ideal Cellaring Conditions: Darkness, cellar at 14-16 degrees C (57-60 degrees F), avoid vibrations and loud noises, 60-75% humidity, avoid brusque changes of temperature, conserve the bottle lying down drink at 18 degrees C (64 degrees F). Alc. 13.5% by vol. 27 Product of Spain. Estate Grown and Bottled by: Bodegas Lan, S.A. Fuenmayor, Espana.

Lan Rioja Reserva