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Discover|Partner Stories

Sterino Farms

We’ve cultivated a pretty special relationship with Sterino Farms since the early 1990s. A fourth-generation Puyallup Valley farmer, Jake Sterino is a forward thinker who’s always willing to experiment, grow new and different varieties of fresh foods for our markets, and give us exclusives on the really good stuff.

Let’s talk berries.

Summer means berries, and to us, Sterino is synonymous with really, really good berries. Gorgeous gold and red raspberries, tangy tayberries, juicy blackberries, and currants in all the colors. Jake lets us do berries big, which is the way we like it. And his berries inspire our culinary team to develop (and taste, taste, and re-taste) so many fresh summer berry recipes.

You’ll find Jake’s plump, juicy, berry varieties in our markets right now, representing some of the best out there.

The King of Kernels

And we can’t wait until you get your hands on an ear of Sterino’s sweet, late-summer corn. “Krispy King,” Jake calls it. We just call it the best corn we’ve ever tasted, whether it’s buttered and salted, sprinkled with lemon, rubbed in BBQ spice, or just steamed and left undressed.

Sterino brings us those tender, sweet, super-flavorful Krispy Kings with such surprising speed—often on the very same day they’re picked. “Jake grows this variety just for us, and they’re out there at night picking it so we can have it in the morning,” says our Produce Specialist Jim Foley, who is not one to hype any type of produce that isn’t top notch. “For me, this is simply what fresh tastes like. We think it’s the best corn around.”

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