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Equal Exchange

Perfectionistic purveyors of chocolate, nuts, tea, and more, Equal Exchange has been supporting small farmers, including those right here in the Pacific Northwest, since 1986. They connect local consumers with local growers. And they’re genuinely concerned about every person involved—which is why they’ve been all-in on fair trade since day one.

Equal Exchange works directly with the farmers who produce the food they distribute. So they genuinely care about whether these farmers are treated and paid fairly. They partner with farmer cooperatives that are organized democratically, so all members are involved in deciding how to invest in their community. Equal Exchange helps these co-ops with crop diversification programs, women’s leadership development, and quality trainings. These relationships allow Equal Exchange to secure the very best crops, and in turn, to provide you with the highest-quality foods to choose from here in our markets.

Bringing Fair Trade home every day.

And, talk about walking the walk—Equal Exchange even organized their own business as a worker co-op. This alternative business model puts workers first, and helps fight income inequality right in their own house. Every worker gets to vote on company decisions, has access to shared financial information, and invests equally in the business. Excess profits are distributed and shared equally among worker-owners at the end of each year.

Taking care of people. Isn’t that what a food company should be all about?

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